Current Trainings
7 Dimensions of Wellness
We all want to be happy and healthy individuals. There are many components to health. In this 50 min presentation, we talk about the 7 Dimensions of Wellness and what they entail as well as Safety in the workplace. Wellness in life and work creates a healthy environment for one to thrive in all aspects of life. You will leave feeling hopeful and with some ideas as to how to better yourself and the ones around you.
Eric Thygesen
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
A Menu for Stretching
The physical job demands on Food & Nutrition Service Workers can strain the body. This interactive-style presentation is designed to inform employees about the effects these demands can place on the body and help guide participants through an easy-to-follow stretching routine to help decrease these harmful effects. Participants are led through an infotainment-style presentation with instructor-guided games, hands-on demonstrations, and interactive learning, all while learning the benefits of stretching.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
1 Hour
We all know how sitting for hours at a time can affect our bodies, so imagine the wear and tear that bus drivers come under in their profession. This workshop will address how to identify the effects of sitting, why we should stretch, tips for stretching at work, as well as perform and demonstrate some stretches best suited for our amazing bus drivers. This is one workshop you can leave with real-world tips for feeling better at work and if you follow along during the demonstrations you will feel like a million bucks when you leave!
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
1 Hour
Looking for a way to fit fitness in??? Try this workshop to learn exercises that can be done at your desk! Participants will learn exercises and receive a handout outlining and depicting exercises.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
1 Hour
Ergonomics is the science of adapting the workstation to fit the employee. Effective workstation configurations can vastly improve a worker’s experience. This presentation can be custom-designed to fit the district’s needs and can be applied to various jobs such as custodians, bus drivers, food service, office workers, and others.
Lita Chang
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
First Amendment Auditors: What School Districts need to know
Surprise visits from “First Amendment Auditors” (self-identified individuals who photograph/video public facilities) are on the rise. The “Auditors” attempt to provoke public employees to limit First Amendment Rights and post the interaction on YouTube/social media which allows them to make money from a high quantity of views. This presentation will provide details about how to comply with the First Amendment, handle an Auditor’s appropriate access, limit contentious interaction and minimize potential litigation. This is highly recommended for everyone who would encounter this including Management, Front Office and Security Staff.
Jennifer Serran
Presenting Style:
1 Hour
Fitness On The Go!
Having trouble finding time to fit in fitness? In this workshop you will learn about easy accessible ways to move, stretch and strengthen your body when you don’t have time to go to the gym. Learn exercises that require no equipment other than your body to strengthen, tone and stretch your way to better health. Don’t let the excuse that you are “always on the go” get in the way!
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
1 Hour
Food Mood Boosters and Busters
Take a look at how you can use food to influence your mood. We will investigate the role of hormones and how certain foods can influence these hormones either in a positive or negative way. Walk away with handouts with quick and easy food suggestions scientifically proven to help you smile!
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
Heat Illness Prevention
To increase awareness and commitment to the safety and health of the district employees. To review the current heat illness prevention and regulatory requirements. We have a basic presentation for all employees and/or a presentation suited for managers/supervisors.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
Injury Prevention
The total cost of the most disabling workplace injuries in the United States in 2019 was $55.43 billion. If we can better educate all employees on injury prevention and safety, we can drastically lower the costs for our school districts. On-the-job injury risk management is very important. Even more important is each employee’s physical and mental health. So let’s reduce those injuries at work and create healthier individuals at the same time! Everybody wins!
Marshall Shimmon
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
On The Job Stretches – for Custodial Workers
We all know the wear and tear of lifting, bending, and moving can take on the body. As custodial workers, it is even more important to identify the proper way to prepare your body for work and keep yours healthy for years to come. This workshop will address why we should stretch, tips for stretching at work, as well as perform and demonstrate some stretches best suited for custodial workers. This is one workshop you can leave with real-world tips for feeling better at work and if you follow along during the demonstrations you will feel like a million bucks!
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
1 Hour
Prioritizing Self-Care
Come explore how prioritizing self-care can help restore your mental and physical well-being. Do you find yourself burned out or overwhelmed with multitasking more than ever before? In this workshop you will discover how purposefully taking time for yourself can benefit your health and happiness, which in turn will positively impact those whom you value the most. You will learn indicators of imbalance, examples of beneficial self-care practices, and how to implement a strategy for incorporating self-care into your daily life to achieve better life satisfaction and balance.
Marshall Shimmon
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
Road to Restoration
A two-part, wellness workshop offered to employees looking for some tips and techniques to relax, destress, and restore their soul. No need to bring anything but an open mind. These workshops are designed to walk you through simple and easy-to-follow relaxation techniques and leave you with some additional resources to help you better manage the many challenges we face in and away from the workplace.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
Stress, Food and Heart Health
Have you ever wondered if there was a science-backed relationship between stress, the food we eat, and our heart health? Well, the evidence is in and the shocking results may get you thinking twice about the ways in which we handle our stress and the food we eat in order to protect our heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women living in the United States. This presentation will unlock some everyday facts and useful tips that can make a difference in living a long healthful life!
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
Sugar, The Bitter Truth
Are you tired of always being tired and having low energy? Do you rely on sugary snacks to give you energy only to find you are more tired after? Learn how the “sugar habit” might be affecting your sleep, weight, stress, and other health concerns. During this workshop, you will visit the “sugar lab” to see just how much sugar is in your favorite comfort food. Then, learn easy steps to gain a healthy relationship with sugar in your life!
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
Target Your Health
Participants are teamed up in this interactive game-style presentation that is customized/adapted to meet your district’s target topic. Such topics can include but are not limited to exercise, nutrition, safety, and stress. Can be designed for various job positions.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
1 Hour
The Workplace Athlete
A workplace athlete is someone who comes to work mentally prepared, physically prepared, and ready to support their teammates in order to get the job done . Learn the importance of health and how it impacts your job, the importance of body mechanics, the importance of mental clarity, and the importance of a warm up/stretching routine suited for your job duties.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
Wellness in Safety
What safety measures do you have in place to prevent injuries? While personal protective equipment and proper body mechanics can help prevent injuries, personal self-care often determines our susceptibility to injury and illness. Proper balance in our personal lives leads to greater life satisfaction and better job performance.
Eric Thygesen
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
1 Hour
What Color is Your Personality?
What is it that makes the difference in why and how we relate to other people? Learn how personality is that “automatic pilot” in each of us that creates a bridge to understanding. Personality represents our attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, emotional reactions, and coping mechanisms. Based on the work of Carol Ritberger, PhD., learn what color you are – Red, Orange, Yellow, or Green. Use this information to enhance your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, and create stronger communication in your professional life. Understand your own strengths and the strengths of your co-workers and experience less stress in the workplace.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
2-4 Hours
What is Your Cheese?
If 2020 has taught us anything it is that change is inevitable. In this workshop, we will follow the journey of Sniff & Scurry and Hem & Haw from Spencer Johnson MD’s book, Who Moved My Cheese, and apply them to real-life situations. By the end of the workshop, attendees will leave with a personal action plan for change, quick tips to use when change occurs, and a revitalized sense of how embracing change can create a more enjoyable experience.
Deborah Camacho & Lyn Poll
Presenting Style:
In-Person or Virtual
90 Minutes